
超临界流体技术在造纸工业中的应用 被引量:2

The Applications of Supercritical Fluids Technique in Paper-making Industry
摘要 综述了超临界技术尤其是超临界水氧化法在造纸生产过程、造纸污水和污泥的处理以及废水中痕量有害成分分析等方面的应用。 Paper industry caused more benefits but also greater pollutions. Especially the paper-making wasterwater and sludge, if not properly managed, will badly affect the environment. As a new technology, the supercritical fluids technique played significant role in paper industry. In this paper, the supercritical fluids technique particularly supercritical water oxidation and its applications in paper-making process, paper-making wasterwaters and waste sludges and analysis of minimum deleterious elements of wasterwater were summarized.
出处 《湖南造纸》 2007年第1期19-20,25,共3页 Hunan Papermaking
关键词 超临界流体 超临界水氧化 造纸废物 造纸工业 supercritical fluids, supercndcal water oxidation, paper-making wastes
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