
试论政府在经济转型和改革过程中的作用——中、俄、印三国之比较分析 被引量:10

Government's Function in Economic Transition and Reform Process:a comparative analysis among China,Russia and India
摘要 经济改革和转型过程中,政府应该发挥怎样的作用,是学界和决策层多年来一直特别关注的问题。与改革或转型的策略及路径相联系,有关政府职能的讨论可以大致分为以下三类观点:亲善市场论、国家推动发展论和市场增进论。中国、俄罗斯和印度三个国家在改革的初始条件、改革方式及改革进程上既有相似之处,又有完全不同的地方,但这三国都经历了并且仍在继续着经济体制改革和转型,而且三国的经济改革和转型到目前为止都取得了一定成就,三国的经济发展前景也为世界所看好。本文对亲善市场论、国家推动发展论和市场增进论进行了分析比较,考察了中国、俄罗斯及印度改革过程中政府作用的得失,论证了政府在经济改革和发展进程中具有异乎寻常的关键性作用,它是改革和发展的核心内容之一,决定了改革和发展能否顺利地、“帕累托改进式”地向前进行。 For many years, sciolars and decision-makers have paid special concentration on what governments should do during economic reform and transition process. Connecting with different strategies and paths of the transition, those discussions on government′s function can be divided into three kinds: Market-friendly view, Developmental state view and Market-enhancing view. Among China, Russia and India, there are both similarities and complete differences in the beginning conditions, ways and process of the reform. These three countries have been going through the reform and transition of economic system, and all have made some achievements by now. In this paper, first we briefly compare the theories of Market-friendly view, Developmental state view and Market-enhancing view. Then, we will review the government′s functions during the reforms in China, Russia and India. In our discussion, it will be proved that government′s function would have great significance in process of economic reform and development, which itself is not only one of the essential parts of the reform and development, but it will also determine whether the reform and development would progress successfully and in a way of 'Pareto improvement'.
作者 唐朱昌 杨特
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期73-78,共6页 World Economy Studies
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