
信息支持对减轻母婴分离早产儿母亲产后焦虑的影响 被引量:53

Effect of informational support on postpartum anxiety of mothers of premature infants
摘要 目的探讨信息支持对减轻母婴分离早产儿母亲产后焦虑的影响。方法选择符合入组条件的早产儿母亲86例,便利分为两组,对照组43例实施医院常规护理,干预组43例在接受医院常规护理基础上,从产后第一天开始接受研究者提供的信息支持。使用状态-特质焦虑量表比较两组产后1d、产后3周、产后6周状态焦虑评分。结果干预组产后3周状态焦虑与对照组之间的差异无统计学意义(t=1.129,P=0.262);干预组产后6周状态焦虑与对照组相比差异有极显著的统计学意义(t=3.213,P=0.002)。结论信息支持可有效减轻母婴分离早产儿母亲产后6周焦虑,但对减轻产后3周焦虑的作用尚需进一步研究。 Objective To study the effect of informational support on postpartum anxiety of mothers of premature infants. Method 86 mothers of premature infants were assigned to intervention group and control group. 43 mothers in the intervention group, received informational support except the routine care. 43 mothers in the control group only received the routine care. Anxiety of both groups was rated with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory(STAl) in 1st day, 3 week and 6 week after information delivery. Results On 6 week after information delivery, SAI score of intervention group was significantly lower than control group(t= 3.213, P = 0. 002). But there were no change on 3 week after information delivery in both groups(t = 1. 129, P= 0. 262). Conclusions Informational support could relieve postpartum anxiety in mothers of premature infants on 6 week after information delivery, but need more research on 3 week.
出处 《中华护理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期297-300,共4页 Chinese Journal of Nursing
关键词 信息获取 早产儿 母婴护理 焦虑 Access to informational Premature infants Maternal-child nursing Anxiety
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