
发展高性能材料提高结构安全水平 被引量:2

Generalizing High Performance Material and Increasing the Level of Margin of Sefaty
摘要 根据我国社会经济发展趋势,在适度提高安全度的同时又要求节约资源,降低能耗,唯一的出路只能是推广高性能材料。就推广高强钢筋、采用高性能混凝土以及发展合理的结构形式三个方面进行了讨论。可供有关部门及工程技术人员参考。 Generalizing high performance material is the only way to save resource, decrease the power consume as well as increase the margin of safety according to the develop trend of our commodity economic. High strength reinforcement, high performance concrete and developing reasonable structure form are discussed, which can be reference to the relative department and technologist.
出处 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期118-120,共3页 Building Structure
关键词 高强钢筋 高性能混凝土 合理结构形式 high strength reinforcement high performance concrete reasonable structure form
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