nalyses of microstructures and fabrics in 78 samples from the ShagouMylonite Zone have been carried out. In this zone, quartz dominantly corresponds to Type Ⅱ ribbons of dynamically recrystallized grains, which are producedby grain boundary migration and progressive subgrain rotation. The c--fabrics ofthese recrystallized quartz grains are of the pattern of Maximum Ⅰ. In some seriously deformed parts, quartz ribbons show the transition from Type Ⅱ to Type Ⅰ.Simultaneously, some Type Ⅲ quartz ribbons remain in some weakly mylonizedlocations, where some traces of sinistral shearing are kept. All of feldspars showtypical features of brittle deformation of cataclasis, but K-feldspar shows a littleof ductile deformation, which is represented by recrystallized grains and myrmekiteexisting on the boundaries and cracks of K- feldspar porphyroclasts. Themylonitic foliation generally spreads around garnet porphyroblasts. Otherwise,there exist some pseudotachylite caused by part-melting and tectonic breccia produced by multiple deformation of extension. Microstructures and fabrics of theShagou Mylonite Zone obviously indicated that the mylonization phase happenedunder conditions of mid-upper greenschist grade and ought to be after LateCretaceous. Before the mylonization phase, there possibly existed a ductiledeformation of sinistral shearing under amphibolite grade. After the mylonizationphase, this zone went immediately into a brittle deformation phase ofmultiactivation. Depending on above facts, it is considered that the possible(p)-T-t path of the Shagou Mylonite Zone should have four major phasesas following: (1) Granite intrusion phase happened approximately duringIndo-China epoch (211± 8 Ma ), (2)Ductile deformation phase of sinistralshearing under amphibolite grade during Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous,(3 ) Mylonization phase under mid - upper greenschist grade after Early Cretaceous;(4) Brittle deformation phase relative to general up - lift of this zone approximatelyduring Late Cretaceous.
Chinese Journal of Geology(Scientia Geologica Sinica)