
50例小肠出血病因及诊断分析 被引量:69

Gastrointestinal bleeding of obscure origin一analysis of 50 cases
摘要 对50例经小肠钡灌、动脉造影、核素造影、小肠镜等单项或多项诊断手段以及手术证实的各种小肠疾病所致消化道出血的病因诊断进行了分析。结果发现30例小肠肿瘤中良性21例,恶性9例,占60%;其中以平滑肌瘤和平滑肌肉瘤为最多见;小肠非特异性炎症、溃疡8例,占16%;Meckel憩室7例,占14%;小肠毛细血管扩张症3例,克隆病1例,其他1例。40例患者行小肠钡灌,28例与手术相符,包括19例小肠肿瘤,6例Meckel憩室和3例小肠非特异性炎症,阳性率达70%。动脉造影10例,4例阳性。结果表明,小肠出血以肿瘤为最常见病因,诊断方法以小肠钡灌阳性率为高,尤能显示肿瘤和Meckel憩室。结合动脉造影等其他手段,可进一步提高阳性诊断率。 Fifty cases of gastrointestinal bleeding of obscure origin from smallbowel were diagnosed by enteroclysis, angiography, radionucleide scanning enteros- copy and conformed by surgery and pathology. The results showed that small bowel tumor, 2l benign and 9 malignant were found in 30 cases(60%), among them leiomyoma(13 cases)and leiomyosarcoma(3 cases). Nonspecific inflammation of ileum was seen in8, Meckel’s diverticulum in 7, angiodysplasia in 3, Crohn’s disease and others in oneeach. Fortv cases were diagnosed by enteroclysis, of whom 28 were confirmed bysurgery and pathological examination. Angiography was done in l0 cases anddiagnosis was correct in 4 of them. It is concluded that neoplasia is the commonestcause of small bowel bleeding and enteroclysis should be considered as one of the mostuseful diagnostic procedures in the detection of small bowel tumors and Meckel’sdiverticulum. A combination of enteroclysis, angiography, radionucleide scanningand/or enteroscopy is helpful in diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding of obscure origin.
出处 《中华消化杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第2期66-68,T000,共4页 Chinese Journal of Digestion
关键词 小肠出血 出血 病因学 诊断 Hemorrhage/etiology Hemorrhage/diagnosis intestine,Small
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  • 1李孝廷,临床放射学杂志,1990年,19卷,135页




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