
共享性资源对集群企业竞争优势的作用机制 被引量:8

The Mechanism of Shared Resources Acting on Competitive Advantage of Firms in Cluster
摘要 顺承资源观的理论要义,以集群企业为研究对象,明晰了处于集群企业内部的战略性资源、处于产业集群层面的共享性资源以及集群企业竞争优势三者之间的关系,进而构建出基于共享性资源的集群企业竞争优势概念模型,通过剖析共享性资源对集群企业竞争优势的作用机制,阐明共享性资源是集群企业获取竞争优势的另一重要源泉。 By adopting the theoretic main points of RBV and taking firms in cluster as the analytical object, this paper elucidates the relationship between strategic resources of firms in cluster, shared resources out of firms in cluster and the competitive advantage of firms in cluster. Then, by building the concept model of shared resources-based competitive advantages, this study illustrates the mechanism of shared resources acting on competitive advantage of firms in cluster, and supports the argument that shared resources are one of the most important sources of the competitive advantage of firms in cluster.
作者 耿帅
出处 《科学学与科学技术管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第11期154-160,共7页 Science of Science and Management of S.& T.
关键词 共享性资源 战略性资源 集群企业 竞争优势 shared resources strategic resources firms in cluster competitive advantage
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