
真空冷冻干燥升华干燥时间的实验研究 被引量:1

Experimental Study on Sublimation Time of Vacuum Freeze Drying of Scallop
摘要 以扇贝为研究对象,采用二次正交回归组合试验,建立了真空冷冻干燥升华时间和单位厚度升华时间的二次多元回归模型;利用降维法分析了干燥室压强、物料厚度和加热板温度三个主要过程参数对真空冷冻升华干燥时间的影响。结果表明,干燥室压强、物料厚度和加热板温度对升华干燥时间影响显著,呈二次函数规律变化,影响的主次因素依次为:物料厚度、干燥室压强、加热板温度。对单位厚度升华干燥时间进行岭嵴分析,给出了在本试验三因素取值范围内的冻干过程优化参数:干燥室压强为50Pa;物料厚度为9mm;加热板温度为39℃,优化的物料单位厚度升华干燥时间为0.146h。 Taking the scallop as example, through analyzing the effects of the three main influential parameters, i.e. pressure of drying chamber,material thickness and heating temperature on the drying time and energy consumption. The several parameter curves of drying time, energy consumption of sublimation drying were obtained under five different levels of the other two main parameter. The results indicate that the quadratic law which has apparent consistence exists in the relation ships above. In addition ,the important sequence of the three factors is as follows: materials thickness,pressure of drying chamber on vacuum freeze drying and heating temperature. Through analyized the drying time of unit thickness, the optimal results were as follows: pressure 50Pa,thickness 9mm,heating temperature 39℃,the unit chickness sublimation time of drying is 0.146h.
出处 《制冷空调与电力机械》 2007年第2期6-9,共4页 Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Electric Power Machinery
基金 湛江市科技局科技计划项目资助(2004)
关键词 真空冷冻干燥 时间 扇贝 vacuum freeze-drying time scallop
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