目的观察每周7次连续加速分割放射治疗(7次/周,常规分割)治疗头颈部鳞癌的近期疗效及毒副作用。方法30例头颈部鳞癌,采用面颈联合野7次/周连续加速分割放射治疗(CAIR),总剂量同常规分割放射治疗(CF),分割剂量为1.8 Gy/次或2 Gy/次,并与同期CF组(32例)对比分析毒副作用。结果两组病例均能顺利完成治疗,头颈部鳞癌放疗后完全缓解率(CR)为93%和72%,两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组放射治疗急性毒副作用差别无统计学意义。结论头颈部鳞癌CAIR有较好的近期疗效,患者能耐受CAIR治疗,急性放射毒副作用与CF组比较差异无统计学意义。
Objective To evaluate tumor and normal tissues recent response to 7-day-a-week continuous accelerated radiation (CAIR) compared with a conventional treatment (CF) in a randomized trial, Methods Sixty-two patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck in stage T1-4 N0- 1 M0 were included in the study. Total close and close per fraction of 2.0Gy given once-a-clay at 24 h intervals were the same in both arms of the trial. The only difference was the overall treatment time being 5 weeks in CAIR and 7 weeks in CF. Results Analysis of severe mucosal reactions showed no significant difference between the CF group and CAIR group. The local complete response rates of CAIR group and CF were 93% , 72% , There was significant difference between the two groups, Conclusions The toxic effect and complication of CAIR was not more severe than that of CF, but there was not significant difference. Most patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma could be tolerated with CAIR.
journal of basic and clinical oncology
head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
7-day-continuous accelerated radiation
adverse effects,