毛泽东早年与无政府主义的关系,见埃德加.斯诺(Edgar Snow)所撰《红星照耀中国》(Red Star Over China)一书。但由于人名的误译,造成了学术界研究中的错误认知。本文对此作了考证与论析,既以澄清史实,纠正讹误,也期更准确地把握这一时期毛泽东实际的思想状况及其后逻辑的发展。对毛泽东由无政府主义转向马克思主义,由原先主张“温和”转向“激烈”,也作了新的探研。
The relationship between Mao Zedong and anarchism in his early years was mentioned by Edgar Snow in his Red Star over China. However, due to the mistranslation of the name of a person, some misconceptions were brought about among academia. The article has researched into the issue and presented analysis in order to clarify the historical facts, to rectify the error, and moreover, to get a more accurate idea of Mao's ideology at that period of time and the development afterwards. The article has also made new exploration on Mao's transition from anarchism to Marxism and from “mild” to “vehement”.
Historical Review