
利用GARP生态位模型初步预测阿根廷蚁在中国的适生区 被引量:12

Prediction of potential distribution area of Linepithema humile Mayr in China
摘要 采用GARP生态位模型初步分析预测了阿根廷蚁(Linepithema humile Mayr)在中国的潜在地理分布。结果表明,中国东南部大部分地区都是该虫的适生区。建议加强检疫,防范其入侵。 Based on the Genetic Algorithm for Rule -sed Prediction modeling system, the potential distribution of Linepithema humile Mayr in China were analyzed. The result indicates that L. humile Mayr could occur in the most areas of the southeast of China. So it is suggested to strengthen the quarantine against this ant to prevent it from invading China.
出处 《植物检疫》 2007年第2期73-74,共2页 Plant Quarantine
关键词 GARP生态位模型 预测 阿根廷蚁 中国 适生区 Quarantine,Linepithema humile Mayr,genetic algorithm for ruleset production (GARP) ,China,potential distribution area
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