
基于支持向量机的网损分摊新算法 被引量:2

Novel Algorithm of Transmission Loss Apportionment Based on SVM
摘要 针对电力市场联营模式,提出了一种在Z-bus法网损分摊基础上基于支持向量机的网损分摊新算法。该算法将Z-bus法对网络不同运行情况下的分摊结果作为样本,然后利用支持向量机进行训练,得到网损分摊模型,进而可以直接利用该模型计算在不同负荷水平下各节点需要分摊的网损。通过对5节点系统进行的仿真分析,验证了该方法的正确性和合理性。 Directing against joint management mode of the power market, a novel algorithm of transmission loss apportionment based on SVM on the basis of Z-Bus method for transmission loss apportionment has been put forward. The said algorithm uses apportioned results under different operation condition of the network as samples and then trained the SVM for obtaining the transmission loss apportionment model. Next, the transmission loss needing to apportion to each nodal point under different load level can be calculated by directly using the model through simulation analysis for a five-nodal-point system, the con'ectness and reasonability of the algorithm have been verified.
机构地区 西南交通大学
出处 《陕西电力》 2007年第3期9-12,共4页 Shanxi Electric Power
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60674057)
关键词 电力系统 电力市场 网损分摊 支持向量机 Z—bus法 电力联营 power system power market transmission loss apportionment support vector machine (SVM) Z-Bus algorithm joint management of the power market
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