
大学生主观幸福感和生活事件的关系 被引量:30

Relationship Between Subjective Well-being and Life Events Among College Students
摘要 目的研究大学生主观幸福感和生活事件的关系,为高校大学生心理健康教育提供依据。方法运用主观幸福感问卷和青少年生活事件量表,对769名大学生进行测试。结果大学生主观幸福感处于中等偏上水平。主观幸福感和生活事件均存在性别差异、年级差异、城乡差异;生活事件分别可以解释总体主观幸福感、生活满意度、正性情感及负性情感变异的5.4%,3.7%,1.3%和17.3%。不喜欢上学、学习负担重、受人歧视冷遇、亲友死亡、与教师关系紧张、考试失败或不理想、受批评或处分、长期远离家人不能团聚、被盗或丢失东西、家庭经济困难、与人打架、家庭施加学习压力等是影响大学生主观幸福感的主要生活事件,可以不同程度地解释总体主观幸福感、生活满意度、正性情感及负性情感变异的14.8%,13.9%,8.4%和30.0%。结论生活事件对大学生主观幸福感有显著影响。 Objective To explore the relationship between subjective well-being and life events among undergraduates, and to provide bases for their mental health education. Methods By using the International College Survey Questionnaire and ASLEC, 769 college students were tested. Results Subjective well-being in college students was better than the middle level. The differences between genders, grades and places were significant in both subjective well-being and life events.Life events can explain 5.1%, 3.7% 1.3% and 17.3% variations of college students' whole subjective well-being, life satisfaction, positive emotion and negative emotion respectively. The principle life events affected college students' subjective well-being were hating studying, heavy study press, being discriminated, the death of relatives, having poor relations with teachers, failure for examination, being criticized or punished, leaving from family for a long time, being stolen or losing something, poverty, having physical fighting with others and study stress from family, which can explain 14.8%, 13.9%, 8.4% and 30.0% variations of college students' whole subjective well-being, life satisfaction, positive emotion and negative emotion. Conclusion The differences between genders,grades and places are significant in both subjective well-being and life events. Life events have significant effect on subjective well-being.
作者 周末 巢传宣
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第4期327-329,共3页 Chinese Journal of School Health
关键词 幸福 感觉 生活变动事件 对比研究 学生 Happiness Sensation Life change events Comparative study Students
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