目的了解门诊就诊者泌尿生殖道病原体感染状况。方法收集北京佑安医院2005年7月~2006年5月门诊就诊者2 178例泌尿生殖道标本,进行病原体检测。结果2178份标本中有642份检出病原体,患病率为29.48%。单一感染450份(70.09%),其中检出淋球菌34份(29.82%),沙眼衣原体48份(44.44%),支原体363份(71.18%);混合感染192份(29.91%),其中淋球菌合并Ct或Uu者90份(24.75%),Ct+Uu+Mh102份(11.85%)。三种病原体在男女就诊者中的检出率有明显差异(P<0.01)。结论中青年就诊者的泌尿生殖道病原体阳性率较高,应重视病原学检查,进一步加强性病防治工作力度。
Objective To study the infectious status of pathogens causing venereal diseases of the urogenital system among visitors to SDT clinic. Methods Pathogens were tested for 2 178 urogenital samples collected from the outpatient department of Youan Hospital from July 2005 1:o May 2006. Results Pathogens were detected from 642 samples, with a positive rate of 29.48 % ;sole infection was detected from 450 samples, of which gonococcus was detected from 34 samples (29.82%), chlamydia was detected from 48 samples (44.44%), and mycoplasma was detected from 363 samples (71.18 % ). Mixed infectious pathogens(2 or 3 types of pathogens)were isolated from 192 samples(29.91% ), and CT or UU were simultaneously detected from 90 samples(24.75 % ) with gonococcus positive. The detection rate of 3 types of pathogens was different between men and women. Conclusion The positive rate of pathogens in the urogenital system was high among young and middle aged outpa':ients, therefore attention should be paid to the pathogenic detection, and STD prevention and treatment should be further intensified.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD