
基于Zigbee无线传感器网络技术的系统设计 被引量:45

Zigbee wireless sensor network technology based on system design
摘要 介绍了IEEE标准化协会为低速无线个人区域网络(low-ratewirelesspersonalnetwork,LR-WPAN)制定的IEEE802.15.4标准与基于该标准的ZigBee网络结构,然后给出了一种分簇结构的ZigBee网络与GSM/GPRS网络相结合实现远程监测的无线传感器网络的软件与硬件总体设计方法,介绍了系统设计中降低节点能耗的方法,最后对该方案的应用进行了总结。 IEEE standardization association for low-speed wireless personal area network standard developed by IEEE 802.15.4 and network architecture based on the ZigBee standard are introduced. Then a sub-frame structure of the ZigBee network GSM/GPRS network combined with the realization of long-range wireless sensor network monitoring software and hardware design methodology is given. A system design approach is designed to reduce energy nodes, the last the application of the programme is summed.
作者 纪金水
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期404-408,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
关键词 传感器网络 数据融合 网络协调器 传感器节点 分簇结构 sensor networks, data fusion network coordinator sensor nodes, structural clustering
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