
关于建筑学未来的几点思考(上) 被引量:65

On Architecture f the Future: Some Reflectins
摘要 这篇文章是根据笔者在1996年7月8日西班牙巴塞罗纳举办的“建筑的未来研讨会”(AOFWorkshop)上的总结讲话──“关于建筑学未来的几点思考”(OnArchitectureoftheFuture:SomeReflections)继续写成的:并于1996年10月25日为纪念清华大学建筑学院成立50周年院庆,亦在1996年11月26日召开的中国建筑学会全国代表大会以此为题发表演讲。本文共分六个部分:(1)建筑学的演讲(2)可持续发展的建筑与城市;(3)走向建筑、城市规划与园林的融合;(4)建筑与文化建设;(5)理想社会的追求与建筑职业的发展;(6)建筑教育如何面向未来。 This paper is a revision of the concludingspeech at the AOF Workshop at the 19th UIACongress in Barcelona, Spain on July 8, 1996. Ithas been delivered at the ceremonies of the 50thanniversary of the founding of School of Architecture at Tsinghua University on October 25, 1996,and also presented to the '96 Academic AnnualMeeting of the Architectural Society of China onNovember 26, 1996.Based on the author's personal experiences ina period of more than half century, the paper ana-lyzed the historical experiences, the current devel-opment of economy, society, culture and scienceand the new tasks of urban construction in a newera, and put forward some reflections on the devel-opment of Architecture in the future. It is not toforetell but to paint out some instructive and cru-cial problems in terms of theory and academy onhow Architecture should deal with the situation ofChina, so that it may promote a broad discussionwill b9 helpful to the academic research crossingthe century.The text is divided into six parts as follows:1. Evolution of architecture;2. Sustainable development of architectureand city ;3. Integration of architecture, urban planningand landscape architecture;4.Development of architecture and culture;5.Pursuit of the ideal community and devel-opment of architectural profession;6.How architectural education should face thefuture.
作者 吴良镛
出处 《建筑学报》 北大核心 1997年第2期16-22,共7页 Architectural Journal
关键词 建筑学 人居环境科学 可持续发展 城市规划 Evolution of architecture, Sciences of human settlements,Sustainable development, New regional architecture
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