
多媒体、多模态学习剖析 被引量:1376

On Multimedia Learning and Multimodal Learning
摘要 本文首先区分多媒体学习和多模态学习这两个概念,对其逐一进行剖析,区分单媒体、单模态学习,双媒体、双模态学习,多媒体、单模态学习,多媒体、多模态学习等;然后构建一个用于剖析两种学习的模型,并以学习外语为例演示如何用这个模型进行实例分析;根据心理学、特别是认知心理学对多媒体、多模态学习提出五个供进一步研究用的假设;最后介绍用“角色建模语言”(agent—based modeling language,AML)对多媒体、多模态学习进行结构化数据建模的思路。 The paper differentiates multimedia learning from multimodal learning. The two forms of learning integrate in a variety of ways: mono-medium mono-modal learning, di-media di-modal learning, multimedia mono-modal learning, and multimedia multimodal learning. An analytic model for analyzing the two forms of learning is outlined and demonstrated. Five hypotheses concerning multimedia and multimodal learning are formulated and discussed. It concludes with an outline of how to use agent-based modeling language( AML developed by the author) to datamine the multimedia and multimodal interactions for computer simulation.
作者 顾曰国
出处 《外语电化教学》 CSSCI 2007年第2期3-12,共10页 Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education
关键词 多媒体学习 多模态学习 角色建模语言(AML) Multimedia Learning Multimodal Learning Agent-Based Modeling Language
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