
“是何意态雄且杰 不露文章世已惊”——试论陶澍和胡林翼

On Tao Shu and Hu Linyi
摘要 胡林翼是陶澍的女婿,他们都是中国近代史上最杰出的人物。从胡林翼幼年开始,就得到了陶澍的大力培养和教育。在经世致用、吏治行政、兴利除弊、用人育才等许多方面,他们都有一致的思想与行动。陶澍非常器重胡林翼,胡林翼则对陶澍非常尊敬,并继承了陶澍的思想、发展了陶澍的事业。 Hu Linyi is Yao Shu's son-in-law and both of them are prominent figures in modem history in China. From his youth, Hu Linyi has been trained and educated by Yao Shu. They have compatible ideas and behaviors in socializing, politics governing, merit advocating and talent training. Tao Zhu praises highly of Hu Linyi while Hu is respectful to Tao and continues Tao's thoughts and develops his researches.
作者 陶用舒
机构地区 湖南城市学院
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期85-88,共4页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 陶澍 胡林翼 经世致用 人才思想 继承 发展 Yao Shu Hu Linyin socializing talent develop
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