
彩叶植物在上海地区的种类及应用调查 被引量:27

Investigation of Species and Application of Color-Leafed Plants in Shanghai
摘要 彩叶植物具有丰富多彩的叶色,是园林植物造景的重要组成部分。作者对上海市城市主干道、公园、公共绿地、居民住宅区及学校的彩叶植物种类及应用情况进行了调查和分析。结果表明:调查范围内,上海地区选用的彩叶植物约有45种,以灌木和乔木居多,其中最常见且最多的有紫叶李、红花檵木、金叶女贞和紫叶小檗;在彩叶植物的应用上,上海地区各种园林景观所选用的彩叶植物类型基本相同,多数情况下表现为彩叶植物应用面积较小,配置形式相对单调,且以交通干道隔离带中模纹花坛或彩篱、公园草坪中乔灌木的丛植或片植居多。在调查研究的基础上,论文提出了改善上海地区彩叶植物应用的建议。 Color-leafed plants played an important role in urban landscapes because of their special decoration effects to environment. We investigated the species and application of the color-leafed plants planted in the arterial roads, parks, public green spaces, residential districts and schools in municipal districts of Shanghai. The result showed that about 45 species or varieties of color-leafed plants had been applied in Shanghai and the majority of them were trees or shrubs. Including Prunua cerasifera cv. Atrupurpurea, Loropetalum chinense vat. rubrum, Liguatrum x Vicoryi and Berberis thunbergii, which were the most common color-leafed plants employed in garden construction in Shanghai city. From our investigation, the color-leafed plants had been applied in every district of Shanghai, while the area of application was limited and the application forms were relatively monotonous. They were usually planted in isolated grasslands as parterre or hedgerow and in lawns of parks through the form of group, massive or stroll planting. On the basis of investigation and analysis, we raised the application proposal of color-leafed plants in Shanghai in the future.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2007年第2期150-155,168,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Agricultural Science)
关键词 彩叶植物 种类 应用 调查 上海地区 colorful plants species application investigation Shanghai
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