

Combination of Predistortion and Feedforward in the Power Amplifier
摘要 高功率放大器会对信号产生交调失真,为了提高信息传递的效率和准确性,需要对其进行线性化。在功率放大器的线性化方法中,预失真和前馈是最常用的手段。而两种技术都具有各自的特点,为了使功率放大器达到超线性的要求,文中探讨了将两者结合起来的方法,从而更好地抑制放大器的非线性失真。经过设计与优化,最终在ADS里通过仿真结果证明了该方法的可行性。 The high power amplifier will produce crosstalk in the process of transformation, so in order to increase the purpose of increasing the efficiency and accuracy in the transformation of information, the method of linearity is employed. In the linearity of amplifier, the predistortion and the feedforward are the mat popular techniques which possess different characteristics. In order to increase the linearity of amplifier, two methods introduced to reach the super - linearity. Finally, the feasibility of the scheme is testified by the emulation and optimization in the ADS.
出处 《实验科学与技术》 2007年第2期8-10,共3页 Experiment Science and Technology
关键词 预失真 前馈 功率放大器 线性化 ADS软件 predistortion feedforward power amplifier linearity ADS
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