The achievements and existing problems of apple industry in China were reviewed. It is believed that Chinese apple industry is entering a very important turn period from big apple production to a coowerful apple production in the world. The future trend of Chinese apple industry is to keep the current acreage, to advance the yield per unit, to improve the quality of apple products, and to encourage the development of the secondary and third industry. In the future, the developmental focuses must be laid on the following aspects: establishing the modern cultural technical system, the modern storage and processing system and the transport distribution; enhancing science and technique support to the industry, improving the technical service method and meshwork, and science and technique training for growers; elevating the standardization production; establishing the CHINA-GAP (Good Agricultural Practice), forming the traceability system in apple culture section; putting the quality control system and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) into effect; establishing national apple association as soon as possible and assisting growers to organize themselves in association or cooperation; speeding up the research on international marketing of apple industry, and establishing public information service and professional consultant system/institution.
Journal of Fruit Science