
我国苹果产业发展现状与趋势 被引量:137

Current status and developing trend of apple industry in China
摘要 总结了我国苹果产业发展的成就和存在的问题,认为我国苹果产业正进入一个由世界苹果生产大国转变为产业强国的重大转折时期。今后的发展趋势将是稳定规模,提高单产,提高果品及其加工产品质量,发展二、三产业。发展重点是建立以简化省工、优质、丰产为特点的现代化苹果栽培管理技术体系,现代化贮藏、深加工技术体系和物流体系,加大科技对产业的支撑作用,改善科技服务与培训水平,改革技术推广体系,提高产业的标准化水平,如种植业推行良好操作规范(CHINA-GAP),建立可追溯制度,加工业实施全程质量控制体系以及HACCP(危害分析及关键控制点)认证,成立国家级苹果协会并协助农民组织起来成立合作社或协会,加快外向型苹果产业经济研究,建立公共资讯和专业咨询系统或机构。 The achievements and existing problems of apple industry in China were reviewed. It is believed that Chinese apple industry is entering a very important turn period from big apple production to a coowerful apple production in the world. The future trend of Chinese apple industry is to keep the current acreage, to advance the yield per unit, to improve the quality of apple products, and to encourage the development of the secondary and third industry. In the future, the developmental focuses must be laid on the following aspects: establishing the modern cultural technical system, the modern storage and processing system and the transport distribution; enhancing science and technique support to the industry, improving the technical service method and meshwork, and science and technique training for growers; elevating the standardization production; establishing the CHINA-GAP (Good Agricultural Practice), forming the traceability system in apple culture section; putting the quality control system and HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) into effect; establishing national apple association as soon as possible and assisting growers to organize themselves in association or cooperation; speeding up the research on international marketing of apple industry, and establishing public information service and professional consultant system/institution.
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期355-360,共6页 Journal of Fruit Science
关键词 中国 苹果 产业现状 发展趋势 China Apple industry Situation Trend
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