
基于混合免疫协同进化算法的模糊-PI优化控制 被引量:1

Fuzzy-PI optimization control based on hybrid immune co-evolutionary algorithm
摘要 针对遗传算法诸如局部搜索能力差、早熟收敛、“退化”现象等问题,在协同进化算法(CA)的基础上融入传统的单纯形算法,同时引入免疫算子来防止“退化”现象,提出了混合免疫协同进化算法(HICA),并设计了一种自适应交叉、变异算子以提高算法的运算效率;应用HICA对模糊-PI控制器的各个参数进行协同优化,设计了体现控制器综合性能指标的目标函数,仿真结果表明:提出的基于HICA模糊-PI控制优化方法可以获得满意的控制效果. In view of such drawbacks of genetic algorithm as poor local search ability and premature convergence, a kind of hybrid immune co-evolutionary algorithm (HICA) was proposed by incorporating simplex algorithm into co-evolutionary algorithm (CA) and introducing immune theory into CA. And the adaptive crossover and mutation were adopted in order to improve the efficiency of the algorithm. The integrated optimal design method for a fuzzy-PI controller was presented, in which parameters could be optimized cooperatively. The simulation results show that the proposed fuzzy-PI control has satisfactory performances.
出处 《沈阳工业大学学报》 EI CAS 2007年第2期161-164,共4页 Journal of Shenyang University of Technology
关键词 协同进化 单纯形算法 免疫功能 模糊-PI控制 仿真 co-evolutionary simplex algorithm immune function fuzzy-PI control simulation
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