
选矿产品工艺矿物学研究 被引量:1

Study on Technological Mineralogy of Beneficiated Products
摘要 通过对鲁中冶金矿山公司选矿厂的原矿、最终产品和选矿工艺流程内部各产品的矿物含量、解离参数及粒度分布的研究,对现生产采用的弱磁选-重选-浮选流程进行了分析并提出了看法和改进意见。 On the basis of the study on the mineral content,liberation parameter and particle size distribution of the run of mine ore,the final products and the middling products of various stages of the mineral processing flowsheet of Luzhong Metallurgical Mining Company's Concentrator,the analysis is made on the present production flowsheet of low intensity magnetic separation gravity separation flotation and the opinions and the suggestions for improvement are put forward.
出处 《金属矿山》 CAS 北大核心 1997年第3期25-28,共4页 Metal Mine
关键词 选矿产品 工艺矿物学 选矿指标 选矿 Beneficiated products,Technological mineralogy,Low intensity magnetic separationgravity separationflotation flowsheet,Beneficiation index
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