
基于分层有向图的装配顺序规划方法 被引量:4

Study on planning method of assembling sequence based on layered orientation graph
摘要 航空产品装配结构复杂,装配单元繁多,其装配顺序规划的难度较大。基于割集法对航空产品进行规划易产生图爆炸现象,因此,采用分层有向图表示装配模型,提出一种将装配模型逐层拆解,逐步规划,组合形成产品装配顺序的方法。并以某型机翼为实例予以应用验证。 The assembly structures of aviation product are complex and the assembling units are various, thus brought forward'rather big difficulty in its planning of assembling sequence. It is easy to produce graph explosion phenomena when carrying out planning of aviation products by the use of cut-set method, Therefore, by adopting the layered orientation graph method to express the assembly model, a kind of combination method for forming the assembling sequence of product was put forward by letting the assembling model be disassembled layer by layer and planned progressively. Verification of application was granted by taking certain typed aircraft-wing as a living example.
出处 《机械设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期27-29,共3页 Journal of Machine Design
基金 航空863CIMS资助项目(2006AA04Z137) 国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2006BAF01A03)
关键词 分层有向图 分离面 装配顺序规划 layered orientation graph separation surface assembling sequence planning
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