
盛唐长安与敦煌——从俄藏《开元廿九年(741)授戒牒》谈起 被引量:28

Chang’an and Dunhuang in the High Tang: A Study on the Certificate Dated to 741 A.D.in the Russian Collections
摘要 大安国寺由玄宗的父亲睿宗舍宅而立,在开元时期(713—741)汇集了各种学派的僧侣,成为长安最为重要的皇家寺院。俄藏《开元廿九年(741)授戒牒》表明,开元二十九年二月,大安国寺僧人释道建曾经受命来沙州主持授戒仪式,并宣讲唐玄宗刚刚编纂完毕的《御注金刚经》以及《法华经》、《梵网经》。此举为长安佛教与敦煌佛教之间搭建起一座桥梁,通过两地的联系,长安新的佛典、画样、艺文等都传入敦煌,给敦煌佛教文化增添了光彩。这件文书也为我们探讨长安与敦煌的关系问题留下了更多想象的空间。 This article uncovers the Buddhist cultural relations between Chang'an and Dunhuang in the High Tang Era through the study of a Dunhuang document preserved in the Russian Collections. The Da Anguo Si (Great Anguo Monastery) was once the residence of Prince Anguo Xiangwang (later Ruizong Emperor), who gave up the purple to his son Xunzong in 712 A. D. During the Kaiyuan Era (713-741), The Great Anguo Monastery accommodated every kind of Buddhist scholars and thus became one of the most important royal monasteries. This certificate shows that Daojian, a monk from the Great Anguo Monastery, was authorized to preside over the ritual held in Shazhou (Dunhuang) in 741. At the same time, he preached the imperial commentary on the Diamond Sutra, and the Lotus Sutra as well as the Fanwangjing (Brahmajala-sutra). This indicates that a culture bridge was set up between Chang'an and Dunhuang, through which the newly published sutra, paintings, and articles could transported to the border city.
作者 荣新江
机构地区 北京大学历史系
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2007年第3期15-25,共11页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 盛唐 长安 敦煌 戒牒 the High Tang Chang'an Dunhuang buddhist certificate
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