
叶面营养对黄瓜生物效应的影响 被引量:34

摘要 采用盆栽和田间大棚小区试验,研究了施用不同叶面营养组分对黄瓜的养分吸收分配和叶片光合生理及果实产量与品质的影响。结果表明:(1)P、N、K三要素可被黄瓜(苗期)叶片快速吸收并显著提高其在体内的含量,天然植物生长活性物质具有促进黄瓜N、P、K养分,尤其是N、K的吸收功效。特别是当它与营养元素配合施用时,这种促进作用最为明显。(2)叶面施用适当浓度的该活性物质或硫酸铵或KH_2PO_4均有显著提高黄瓜处理叶绿素及其光合速率的作用。从总体上讲,三者的作用效果相当,其中活性物质的作用速度较快,但持续时间稍短。叶面施肥后48小时与72小时,不同处理间的叶片光合速率与叶绿素含量差异分别达到最大,一直到108小时,仍维持较稳定的显著差异。说明叶面营养对作物的光合作用的影响主要发生在施肥三天(72小时)以后。(3)叶面肥不同组分配施均能增加黄瓜的生物量与果实产量,提高果实蛋白质、Vc、可溶性糖的含量,降低脂合纤维的含量,而果实酸度则基本不受叶面施肥的影响。(4)在不同叶面营养处理中,无论是促进叶片光合作用还是提高果实产量与改善品质,均是营养元素与该种物质的合理团合达到最理想的效果,两者呈现极其显著的正交互作用。 Both pot experiments using ~15N labeling technique and field trials were conducted to study the effects of different foliar nutrient components on major nutrients uptake and distribution, leaf photo physiology and yield and quality of cucumber fruit. The main results obtained were as follows: (1) Cueumber was capable of rapidly absorbing N. P and K through its leaves and markedly increasing their contents in the plants. Natural plant growth stimulators(NPGS) had a function of increasing the uptuke of N, P and K. especially in the case of mixed foliar application of NPGS with nutrients. (2) Each of the applications of suitable concentration of NPGS, (NH_4)_2SO_4 and KH_2PO_4 nearly had the same effects of significantly enhancing the chlorphyll content and photosynthesis rates of dipping leaves, with NPGS having more rapid but shorter continuing function than(NH_4)_2SO_4 and KH_2PO_4. The significant differences of photosynthesis rate and chlorophyll in different treatments could reach maximum at the time of 48 hours and 72 hours respectively and maintained for about 108 hours after dipping of foliar nutrients. Which showed the effects of foliar nutrition on photosynthesis of crops generally occurred after three days (72 hours) of foliar fertilizer applied. (3) Application of different foliar fertilizers could increase biological and fruit yields of cucumber, contents of protein.soluble sugar and Vc and decrease the content of crude fiber of cucumber fruit. (4) Among the different combination of foliar nutrients. the rational mixture of sultuble concentration of nutrient elements with NPGS had the most optimum results in both effects of stimulating leaf photosynthesis and improving fruit quality and increasing the yield, which showed a markedly positive interaction between the follar supplement of nutrients and NPGS.
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第1期36-42,共7页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家自然科学基金 国家教委博士点基金
关键词 叶面营养 黄瓜 光合作用 产量 品质 Foliar nutrition Cucumber Photosynthesis Yield Quality
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