
氮化铝薄膜的椭偏法研究 被引量:3

Study on AlN Thin Films with Ellipsometry
摘要 文章采用真空磁过滤电弧离子镀法在单晶Si(100)基片上成功制备了氮化铝(AlN)薄膜,并利用椭偏法对AlN膜进行了研究。根据沉积方法的特点,建立合适的膜系进行拟合,得到薄膜的折射率、消光系数和几何厚度;分析薄膜与基片之间的附着方式为简单附着,以及引起薄膜材料比块体材料折射率偏小的原因为:薄膜中含有空隙,Al/N不符合化学剂量比,薄膜表面形成了Al2O3钝化层。 Aluminum nitride(AlN) thin films have been grown on silicon(100) substrate using a filtered DC arc deposition process. Ellipsometry are used to study the films. According to the deposition characteristics, a fitable model were proposed to fit the refractive index, extinction index and thickness of the AlN thin films. The adhesion of films and substrate was analyzed and different refractive index between films and block was interpreted. The results show that the films' refractive index and extinxtion index was about 2.015 and zero. The way of thin films adhered to substrate was simple adhesion and the reason that the refractive index of thin films was less than block material was attributed to voids mixed, the ratio of Al/N unequaled 1 and surface oxygen(Al2O3 adhered to the surface).
出处 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期548-551,共4页 Laser & Infrared
关键词 椭偏仪 ALN薄膜 光学常数 ellipsometer AlN thin films optical constant
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