
基于遗传算法的脉冲推力器控制方法研究 被引量:2

Research on control method of pulse thrusters based on genetic algorithm
摘要 为有效拦截大气层内的机动目标,提出了一种新的脉冲推力器控制方法.首先建立了拦截弹上脉冲推力器的数学模型;其次针对直接力与气动力复合控制的特殊性给出了对称点火逻辑,分别跟踪弹体坐标系不同坐标轴上的控制指令;最后为了减小对控制指令的跟踪误差,使用遗传算法对脉冲推力器的开启数量进行了优化.通过对拦截弹性能指标的分析给出了适应度函数,此外引入移民方法用来维持种群多样性,在此基础上搜索全局最优解.仿真结果表明,该脉冲推力器控制方法对于大气层内的机动目标具有较高的命中精度. In order to effectively intercept maneuverable target in aerosphere, a new control method of pulse thrusters is presented. A mathematical model Of pulse thrusters for interceptor is constituted. And with a view to characteristic of combine control, symmetrical fire logic is presented to respectively track control commands of axes in body coordinate system. In order to reduce tracking error of control command, a genetic algorithm is given to optimize quantities of used pulse thrusters. After analyzing performances of interceptor missile, a fitness function is presented. Moreover, immigration method is introduced to maintain population diversity, and search global optimization parameters. Simulation results show that this control method of pulse thrusters can gain satisfied hit precision for maneuverable target in aerosphere.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期721-724,共4页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60434010) 黑龙江省杰出青年基金资助项目(JC200606)
关键词 非线性控制系统 姿态控制 遗传算法 脉冲推力器 nonlinear control system attitude control genetic algorithm pulse thruster
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