
基于ADAMS的空间旋摆机构运动分析与仿真 被引量:4

Analyzing and simulating of space-swing mechanism kinematics based on ADAMS
摘要 应用ADAMS软件对某路面材料检测仪器中的空间旋摆机构进行建模仿真,通过对模型中几个重要参数的优化,及对相关曲线的后处理,确定影响仪器正常工作的因素,从而指导仪器的制造、安装与调试。 By modifying some important parameters of the model and dealing with correlative curve when applying ADAMS to model and simulate space-swing mechanism of a machine which is for testing road material, we can confirm the factors that have an influence on the movement of the machine. As a result, it can supervise the manufacture, installation and adjustment of the machine.
作者 孟令伟 钱静
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2007年第6期72-74,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
关键词 ADAMS 空间旋摆机构 仿真 ADAMS Space-swing mechanism Simulate
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