
合约电量分解通用模型与算法 被引量:31

General Model and Algorithm for Contract Energy Decomposition
摘要 在电力库模式下,各发电厂获得的合约电量都需要进行分解,如年合约电量向月分解、月合约电量向日分解等。合约电量分解是交易中心普遍需要解决的问题。将合约电量分解归纳为二次规划的优化问题,提出了能考虑检修、水电电量受限、热电联产等特殊问题的进度系数概念,并根据进度系数提出逐段法进行分解,使各个时间单元每个发电厂的进度系数尽可能保持均衡。模型具有普遍适应性,结果优化可行,计算速度快。采用IEEERTS-96的24节点系统算例,证明了模型和算法的有效性。 The contract power energy should be decomposed to each period of time in power pool. For example, the contract energy that a power plant won the bidding in year-contract market should be decomposed to each month, and month-contract energy should be decomposed to each day, etc. Decomposition of contract energy is a universal problem that should be resolved by the trading center. The decomposition of contract energy is reduced to a quadratic programming problem. The concept of rates of progress is proposed with such special problems as the maintenance, the limiting of hydraulic power and the thermal power generation taken into account and the contract energy could be decomposed step by step, making rates of progress of all power plants balance in all time slices. The model is universally adaptable. The algorithm calculates fast and the result is optimal and feasible. Finally, a case with 24 buses is studied based on IEEE RTS-96 system. It's proved that the model and algorithm are effective through case study.
出处 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第11期26-30,共5页 Automation of Electric Power Systems
基金 "电力系统及发电设备控制与仿真国家重点实验室开放课题基金"的资助(GZH(2006)02)
关键词 合约交易 合约分解 多项式算法 二次规划 电力市场 contract based transaction contract energy decomposition polynomial algorithm quadratic programming electricity market
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