
槲皮素干预实验性慢性肾衰的初步研究 被引量:4

Primary Studies on the Effects of Quercetin in Treating Rats with Experimental Chronic Renal Failure
摘要 目的探讨槲皮素对动物实验性慢性肾衰的防治效果。方法给实验大鼠饲以含腺嘌呤饲料2月造成慢性肾衰;干预组ig给予槲皮素(100mg.kg-.1d-1×42d)治疗。观察各组动物健康状况和死亡率;结束时精称存活大鼠体重、肾脏重并计算肾脏指数;烘干法测定肾组织含水量;常规方法行肾脏病理学检查;以贝克曼全自动生化分析仪测定血清肾功相关生化指标。结果与肾衰对照组比较,干预组动物死亡率显著降低(20%vs84%),存活鼠体重显著增大(240±22)gvs(109±14)g(P<0.001),肾脏指数和肾组织含水量均显著降低[(5.08±0.89)%vs(78.24±1.25)%和(12.63±2.94)%vs(79.29±0.90)%](P<0.001,P<0.05),肾脏病理学损伤改变明显较轻,血清肾功相关生化指标(BUN、CREA、URIC和GLU)改变显著减轻[(20.9±5.7)、(82.8±51.5)、(155.9±24.3)、(11.79±1.54)vs(78.7±14.0)、(246.7±55.9)、(108.7±31.5)、(8.14±0.74)](P<0.001)。结论槲皮素对大鼠实验性慢性肾衰具有显著防治作用。 Aim To study the preventive and curative effects of quercetin in rats with experimental chronic renal failure. Methods The rats in control and treating groups were fed with 0.75% adenine in feed for 2 month to build up chronic renal failure; and quercetin was administered orally ( 100mg·kg^-1·d^-1 ) for 42 days to the rats in the treating group, beginning at the 15th day. The state of health and death rates of rats in each group were supervised throughout the experimental. The body and kidney weights of the survived rats were precisely measured and their renal indexes were calculated. The water-percentage of renal tissue was determined with a baking method. The renal pathological inspects were executed routinely. The serum renal function associated biochemical indexes were assayed with a beckman biochemical auto-analyzer. Results When compared with the control group, the death rate of the treated group was lower (20% vs 84% ) and the body weights of survived rats were higher (240 ± 22)g vs (109 ± 14) g ( P 〈 0. 001 ). The renal indexes and the water percentage of renal tissue decreased [ (5.08± 0.89)%,(78.24±1.25)% vs (12.63±2.94)%, (79.29±0.90)%, P 〈0.001 &P 〈0.05],The renal pathological changes were less remarkable, and the changes of serum renal function associated biochemical indexes (BUN, CREA, URIC & GLU) were all improved [ (20.9±5.7), (82.8±51.5) ,(155.9±24.3)and (11.79±1.54) vs (78.7 ±14.0),(246.7±55.9),(108.7 ±31.5) and (8.14±0.74), P 〈0.001]. Conclusion The results suggested that quercetin has preventive and curative effect on chronic renal failure in rats.
出处 《解放军药学学报》 CAS 2007年第3期182-184,共3页 Pharmaceutical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
关键词 槲皮素 慢性肾衰 肾脏 病理变化 尿素氮 肌酐 Quercetin Chronic Renal Failure Kidney Pathological Changes BUN CREA
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