目的:概述用于颅骨缺损修补的生物材料应用和研究进展。资料来源:检索PubMed 1990-02/2005-12关于生物材料应用于颅骨缺损的研究的文章。检索词为“biomaterials;repair ofskull defect”并限定语言种类为英文。同时利用检索中国期刊全文数据库1995-01/2006-12的相关文章,检索词“生物材料;颅骨缺损”,并查阅相关书籍。资料选择:对资料进行初审,纳入标准:①与颅骨缺损修补相关的材料学研究。②生物材料在颅骨缺损修补临床应用情况。排除标准:重复性研究。资料提炼:共收集到130篇文章,排除99篇重复性研究,纳入31篇与纳入标准最为贴近的文章。资料综合:传统的非降解生物假体仅可作为颅骨缺损的填充材料。随着医学和组织工程技术的发展,各种合成生物材料相继出现,但这些材料移植后无法被机体吸收,存在排异和炎性反应,难与宿主骨整合。目前国内使用的颅骨修补材料有机玻璃、硅橡胶、钛板、钛网及其他有机材料。这些材料分别存在着易老化、易破损、不易塑形或生物相容性差等缺点,其中钛网、钛板由于易导热、导电,造成患者术后在高温环境中有头部灼热感,而且钛网板价格昂贵。对硅橡胶材料来讲,虽然生物相容性较好,却存在强度偏低的问题。理想的骨移植材料应具有良好的生物相容性和整合能力、化学性质稳定、术后长期维持其形状、不易滑脱移位、可预知其长期生物学性质、易于塑形、轮廓化方便、价格便宜。结论:虽然有机玻璃、钛板和聚乙烯等仍然是目前临床上大量使用的颅骨修补材料,但由于其存在各自不可避免的缺点,新型的生物材料仍需进一步开发。
OBJECTIVE: To review the application and advanced researches of the biomaterials for skull defect repair. DATA SOURCES: The articles on the biomaterials for skull defect repair published in English were searched in PubMed database from February 1990 to December 2005 using the key words of "biomaterials, repair of skull defect". Meanwhile, the relevant articles published in Chinese were retrieved in China Journal Full-text Database from January 1995 to December 2006 using the seine key words in Chinese. Additionally the related books were also checked. STUDY SELECTION: All the literatures were selected primarily. Inclusive criteria: (1)materials science study of the skull defect repair. (2)the clinical application of the biomaterials for skull defect repair. Exclusive criteria: the repetitive researches. DATA EXTRACTION: A total of 130 articles were collected, 99 of them were deleted due to the repetition and 31 in accordance with the search criteria were selected. DATA SYNTHESIS. Due to the development of the medical and tissue engineering techniques, various synthesized biomaterials appear, while those traditional nondegradative bioprosthesis, which are only used as the filling material of skull defect, can not be absorbed after transplantation, rejection and inflammatory reaction occur, hindering the osseointegration with host. Currently the domestic materials for skull defect repair include organic glass, silicon rubber, titanium plate, titanium mesh, and other organic materials, and they are not suitable, such as easy to seasoning and damaged, difficult to moulding or low biocompatibility, etc. Titanium mesh and titanium plate can induce the burning sensation of head in postoperative patients at high temperature, owing to the heat and electric conduction together with the expensive price of titanium plate. Although the biocompatibility is good in silicon rubber materials, their strength is at a lower level. The ideal materials for bone transplantation should present good biocompatibility and integration, stable chemical characteristics, long-term moulding postoperation, fixation and location, predication on biological features, convenient profile and low cost. CONCLUSION: Although Organic glass, titanium and polyethylene are common for the repair of skull defect in the clinical practice, a new biomaterial still needs to be explored due to the various disadvantages of these materials.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research