
基于空间分形特征差异的目标检测 被引量:2

Targets detection based on spatial fractal character differences
摘要 为有效检测海杂波中的弱小目标,针对海杂波的分形特征随大时空变化的特点,提出使用短时间内空间分形特征差异来检测海面弱小目标的方法.该法充分利用短时间和局部海域上海杂波的分形维具有稳定性,目标区域和海杂波间存在较大空间Hurst参数差异的特点,克服传统分形维检测法使用固定门限检测效果不佳的缺陷.经理论分析和IPIX雷达实际数据检测,目标和海杂波的特征量均值差异约为3,优于原方法分形维的均值差异小于0.8的检测效果. A method using spatial fractal character differences in a short time was proposed in order to detect weak and small targets within sea clutter, which could not be detected when using a fixed fractal dimensions threshold in a long time and large area. The new method utilized the characters that the fractal dimensions of sea clutter are stationary in a short time and partial area, and great spatial Hurst parameter differences between sea clutter area and target area are available. Theoretical analysis and experimental results of IPIX datasets show that the proposed method performs better than that only using the fractal dimensions of sea clutter. The difference between sea clutter and targets with new method is about 3, better than the old method below 0.8.
出处 《大连海事大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期45-48,共4页 Journal of Dalian Maritime University
关键词 海杂波 目标检测 空间分形 HURST参数 sea clutter target detection spatial fractal Hurst parameter
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