

Clinical analysis of phacoemulsification in 1029 cases
摘要 目的:探讨白内障超声乳化摘除及人工晶状体植入术的临床疗效及手术并发症的处理。方法:对1029例(1124只眼)白内障行超声乳化白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入术。结果:顺利完成超声乳化术1068只眼(95%),56只眼改为ECCE+IOL术;术后1周视力〈0.3者186只眼(16.55%),视力0.3~0.8者787只眼(70.02%),视力≥1.0者151只眼(13.43%);术中后囊膜破裂92只眼(8.19%),撕囊失败56只眼(4.98%),虹膜损伤5只眼(0.45%),隧道切口失败23只眼(2.05%);术后角膜水肿155只眼(13.79%),一过性高眼压31只眼(2.76%),核坠人玻璃体腔2只眼(0.18%),人工晶状体坠人玻璃体腔1只眼(0.09%),眼球萎缩2只眼(0.18%),眼内炎2只眼(0.18%)。结论:白内障超声乳化摘除及人工晶状体植入术疗效满意,但从传统ECCE向白内障超声乳化转变有一段艰难的学习曲线,手术中每一步规范操作是手术成功的保障。 Objective To analyze the clinical features and operative complications in the process of extracapsular extraction of cataract by phacoemulsification. Methods Phacoemulsification was performed on 1124 eyes of 1029 cases and analyze. Its effect and complications. Rsults 1068 eyes (95%) were finished successfidly and 56 eyes were changed to extracapsular extraction cataract by operation . 186 eyes(16.55%) attained corrected vision under 0.3 ;787 eyes (70. 02% ) attained corrected vision of 0.3 to 0.8;151 eyes( 13.43% ) attained corrected vision of 1.0 or better after operation in one week. During the operations, there were capsular rupture in 92 eyes (8.19%), defeated capsulorhexis in 56 eyes (4. 98% ) ,damage of iris in 5 eyes(2.5% ) ,fallen nucleus in vitreous cavity in 2 eyes (0.18%) ,defeated tunnel incision in 23 eyes ( 2.05 % ) ;atrophy of eyeball in 3 eyes ( 0.27% ), detachment of retinal in eyes ( 0.27 % ), and entophthalmia in 1 eye(0.09% ). Conclusion The extraction of cataract by phacoemulsification and embedding of artificial crystal is ettecive therapy method , but thereare a lot of difficulties that from extracapsular extraction to phacoemulsification, the normal operation is guaranteed for a new hand to finish phacoemulsification successfully.
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2007年第3期225-227,共3页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 白内障 超声乳化术 疗效 并发症 Cataract Phacoemulsification Operative complication Therapeutic efficacy
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  • 1姚克,中华眼科杂志,1994年,30卷,164页
  • 2姚克,人工晶体植入学,1994年
  • 3王竞,中华眼科杂志,1981年,17卷,29页



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