
永州市2003-2005年桶装饮用纯净水卫生监测结果分析 被引量:3

Analysis on Sanitary Monitoring Situation of Bottled Purified Drinking Water in Yongzhou From 2003 to 2005
摘要 目的监测和分析湖南省永州市2003-2005年桶装饮用纯净水卫生状况及存在的问题,为制定卫生管理制度提供依据。方法随机抽取各纯净水生产企业和市场销售点桶装饮用纯净水样品263份,按GB17324—2003、GB/T8538、GB17323和GB/T4789.21—2003规定的方法进行检验。检验项目包括感官、微生物和理化指标。结果263份样品总合格率为75.8%,2003年的合格率显著低于2004年和2005年;各项指标中菌落总数合格率为79.5%,电导率合格率为76.8%,霉菌合格率98.8%,高锰酸钾消耗量合格率98.8%,其余项目合格率100%;另外抽检样品的合格率显著低于生产企业主动委托检测的样品。结论永州市桶装饮用纯净水尚存在较大卫生质量问题,以菌落总数和电导率超标为主,应加强监督管理,确保饮水安全。 Objective To investigate the sanitary situation of the bottled purified drinking water in Yongzhou, Hunan Provience, and to provide scientific basis for health inspection and supervision. Methods From 2002 to 2004, 263 samples of bottled purified drinking water were tested with the methods from GB17324-2003, GB/T8538, GB17323 and GB/T4789. 21-2003. Results The rate of qualified water sample was 75.8 %. The rate of qualified water sample of 2003 was lower than that of 2004 and 200.5. In each index, the rates of qualified samples in the total number of bacterium colony and conductivity were 79.5 % and 76.8 % respectively, and the other qualified items rates were all 100 %. Conclusion The sanitary situation of bottled purified drinking water in Yongzhou is severe. The main problem of the bottled drinking water is that the total number of bacterium colony and conductivity are exceeded the standard. It is important to enhance the inspection and administration to bottled purified drinking water, so as to guarantee the safety of drinking water.
作者 刘卫华
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2007年第3期777-778,共2页 Practical Preventive Medicine
关键词 桶装饮用纯净水 卫生监测 菌落总数 电导率 Bottled purified drinking water Sanitary inspection Total number of bacterium colony Conductivity
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