
基于Wigner-Hough变换的LFM信号检测性能分析 被引量:34

Detection Performance of Linear Frequency Modulated Signals Based on Wigner-Hough Transform
摘要 根据Wigner-Hough变换思想和广义似然比检验理论,分析了双门限情况下线性调频信号的检测性能,给出了虚警概率和检测概率的数学表达式,该表达式是Hough变换的积累单元数和检测门限的函数,然后对概率密度函数进行了合理近似,并给出了Hough变换的积累单元数计算公式,最后的计算机仿真比较了傅立叶变换和Wigner-Hough变换的LFM(Linear Frequency Modulated)信号检测性能和基于Wigner-Hough变换的不同目标起伏类型的LFM信号检测性能. Detection performance of linear frequency modulated signal is analyzed in theory according to Wigner-Hough transform and generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) theory when two detection thresholds are set,and expressions for the probability of false alarm (PF) and the probability of detection (PD) ,as a function of the number of accessible Hough space accumulator cells and detection threshold. Then probability density function is approximated rationally and the calculation of the number of accessible Hough space accumulator cells is derived. Finally comparison of detection performance of based on Fourier transform and based on Wigner-Hough transform is made, and comparison of detection performance of different Swerling fluctuating targets is made also.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1212-1216,F0003,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 全国优秀博士学位论文专项资金(No08100101)
关键词 线性调频信号 检测性能 WIGNER-HOUGH变换 linear frequency modulated signal detection performance Wigner-Hough transform
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