
知识员工绩效考评的现状、问题及展望 被引量:5

Performance Appraisal on Knowledge-dirven Employees
摘要 知识员工的绩效考评面临巨大挑战、关系绩效受到重视、三类考评方法有不同程度的应用。与此同时,知识员工涵盖对象的模糊、绩效内涵的争议以及考评方法取舍建议的缺乏困扰着人力资源管理者。根据工作性质来判断知识型工作,进而界定知识员工;通过人格特质,如大五人格来预测关系绩效;在总结提炼知识员工绩效特征的基础上,依据绩效特征设计来选取相应的考评方法。 This paper points out the importance of conducting knowledge - driven employee performance appraisal involving relationship performance appraisal and three other appraisal methods. However, there still some existing problems in this area such as the unclear definition and scope about knowledge - driven employee, the dispute over connotation, and the insufficient guidence, etc. The paper holds that this concept can be defined by clarifying their work posiron nature, relationship and performance can be assessed from the personal characteristics prediction method with the five - factor model. By generalizing the characteristics of this appraisal, it presents the corresponding knowledge - driven methods for employee perfomance appraisal.
出处 《商业研究》 北大核心 2007年第7期61-63,共3页 Commercial Research
基金 湖北省教育厅科研基金资助 项目编号:2004X012 中国地质大学优秀青年教师基金资助 项目编号:CUGQNW0602。
关键词 知识员工 关系绩效 绩效考评 绩效特征 knowledge - driven employee context performance performance appraisal performance characteristics
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