
长湖湿地水生植被演替研究 被引量:21

The Succession of Aquatic Vegetation on the Changhu Lake Wetland,Hubei Province
摘要 在2006年调查的基础上,结合长湖湿地历史资料,对长湖湿地1985年至2006年21a间水生植被的演替进行了研究。结果表明,长湖湿地破坏严重,生物多样性下降。长湖现有14个水生群落,其中挺水群落3个,浮叶群落3个,沉水群落8个。优势群落发生了变化,从1985年的菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)群落演替为1999年的微齿眼子菜(P.maackianus)、苦草(Vallisneria natans)群落;进一步演替为2000年的苦草、微齿眼子菜群落,至2006年演替为莲(Nymphaea nelumbo)、莲+菰(Zizania na-duciflora)群落。优势群落生活型由沉水型转变为挺水型,植被覆盖度由100%减少到30.35%;群落总生物量为2202.08t(未包括挺水植物群落生物量),其中狸藻(Utricularia aurea)+轮叶狐尾藻(M.verticillatum)群丛最大为1633.48t,微齿眼子菜+日本茨藻(N.gracillima)最小为0.43t。群落单位面积平均生物量从1195.67g/m2增加到1850.53g/m2。人类的活动如过度养殖、打捞水草及污水排放等导致了长湖湿地植被面积、种类及总生物量的下降。 The aquatic vegetation succession during 21 years were studied in the paper based on the former data and the resoults of the investigation on Octember,2006. The main results were that Changhu lake wetland was deteriorated seriously. There were 6 species died out. The vegetation could be divided into 14 associations, which included 3 emergent communities, 3 floating communities, 8 submersed communities. The covering rate of aquatic vegetation decreased from 100 % to 30.35 %. The dominant communities had euraed Potamogeton crispus, Myriophyllum spicatum communities in 1985 to Potamogeton maackianus, Vallisneria natans communities in 1999, then to Vallisneria natans, Potamogeton maackianus communities in 2000, Nymphaea nelumbo ,Nymphaea nelumbo + Ziznia naduciflora communities in 2006. The type of dominate community had also changed from submerged communities to emergent communities. The total biomass was 2 202.29 t. Utricularia aurea + Myriophyllum verticillatum community was the most biomass and was 1 633.48 t, Potamogeton maackianus + N.gracillima community was the fewest biomass. During 21 years, the total biomass decreased to 98.28 %, but the biomass in unit area increased from 1 195.67 g/m^2 to 1 850.53 g/m^2. The human activites such as over breeding aquatic, excessive harvest of water grass, dragging for mussels resulted of fewer area, species and the total biomass of aquatic vegetation.
出处 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2007年第2期188-191,共4页 Wetland Science
基金 湖北省林业科学研究院2006年青年科技基金项目(2006QNJJ01)资助
关键词 长湖湿地 水生植被 演替 Changhu lake wetland aquatic vegetation succession
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