
架空绝缘配电线路雷击断线防护措施 被引量:5

Protection measures for the overhead insulated line broken by lightning
摘要 通过对绝缘导线雷击断线机理的研究得出,雷击过电压引起工频续流是导致架空绝缘导线断线的主要原因;文章在评述目前国内外各种防止绝缘导线雷击断线措施的基础上,推荐合理的防止绝缘导线雷击断线的两种措施即穿刺型防雷金具和线路过电压保护器。 Research on the principle of the insulated line broken by lightning has drawn the conclusion that the subsequent current caused by lightning overvoltage is the primary reason; This article mainly discusses various actual measures, domestic and overseas, to prevent the breaking. And base on this, it recommends two kinds of most reasonable measures, lightning proof hardware with stabs and line surge protector.
作者 韩学民
机构地区 巢湖供电公司
出处 《安徽电力》 2007年第2期21-25,共5页 Anhui Electric Power
关键词 配电网 架空绝缘导线 过电压 雷击断线 防雷保护措施 distribution network overhead insulated line overvohage line broken by lightning lightning protection measures
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