利用圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus Temminck et Schlegel)和相关鱼类的部分线粒体基因序列,设计出6对扩增引物,通过PCR扩增产物直接测序和引物行走(Primer walking)法测定圆斑星鲽线粒体基因组全序列,并对其进行结构与进化分析。圆斑星鲽线粒体基因组序列长17273 bp,其基因序列及构成都与其他硬骨鱼基本相同,包括37个基因(2个rRNA基因、22个tRNA基因和13个蛋白质编码基因)和2个非编码区(控制区和WANCY区)。在22个tRNA基因中,tRNA^Gln、tRNA^Ala、tRNA^Asn、tRNA^Cys、tRNA^Tyr、tRNA^Ser(第2个)、tRNA^Gln和tRNA^Pro的编码基因位于L链上,其余则位于H链上。在13个蛋白质编码基因中,除了COⅠ基因的起始密码子为GTG外,其余均以ATG为起始密码子。蛋白质编码基因包括具有完整TAA终止密码子的ND1,COⅠ,ATP8,ND4L,ND5,而其他蛋白编码基因则具有不完全终止密码子。在L链上,ND6是仅有的一个蛋白质编码基因。圆斑星蝶的控制区包含1个终止相关序列区(ETAS)、6个中央保守序列区(CSB-A、B、C、D、E、F)和3个保守序列区(CSB-1、2、3)以及长串联重复区(Tandemly repeat sequence)。用NJ法和MP法对5个目22种鱼mtDNA的13个蛋白质编码基因的氨基酸序列进行系统分析,结果显示,圆斑星蝶与石鲽关系最近,鲽形目的鲆、鲽类与鲈形目的够科(Carangidae)、鲷科(Sparidae)鱼类亲缘关系较近,而同属于鲽形目的塞内加尔鳎(Solea senegalensis)没有和任何目聚在一起,成为一个独立的分支。圆斑星蝶的基因组全序列序列已提交到GenBank,登录号为DQ403797,控制区单元型序列的GenBank登录号为BQ834444~7。[中国水产科学,2007,14(4):584—592]
Complete nucleotide sequence of mitochondrial genome for spotted halibut Veraper variegatus was determined by direct DNA sequencing on the PCR products amplified with 6 pair of primers which were designed on the basis of its partial mtDNA sequences and other related fish species. The complete sequence of the spotted halibut Verasper variegaues mitochondrial genome is 17 273 bp in length and showed a genome organization similar to other reported fish mitochondrial genomes. It contained 37 genes (2 rRNAs, 22 tRNAs and 13 protein coding genes) and 2 non-coding regions(D-loop control region and WAN- CY region). The tRNA^Gln, tRNA^Ala, tRNA^Asn, tRNA^Cys, tRNA^Tyr, tRNA^Ser ( the second one), tRNA^Glu and tRNA^Pro genes were encoded on the light strand (L strand) ,and the remainders are on the heavy strand (H strand). All protein-coding genes begain with ATG as initiation codon except COⅠ using GTG. Most of the protein-coding genes, including ND1, COⅠ, ATP8, ND4L and NDS, had TAA as termination codon, while the others had incomplete termination codons. Among the 13 protein-coding genes,only ND6 was located on the L strand, the others were on the H strand. All the conservative sequence blocks (CSB-A, B, C, D, E, F and CSB-1,2,3) and the unique tandemly repeated clusters right after the CSB-3 block in the D-loop control region were characterized and analyzed. Phylogenetic and molecular evolutionary analyses of 13 mitochondrial coding genes conducted using MEGA version 3.0 showed that all the pleuronectiform species except for soleid species which had close phylogenetic relationship with perciformes and the soleid species had far evolutionary relationship with all other fish species. These new data provide a useful tool for many research areas, i. e. evolutionary study and identification of spotted halibut. The sequences have been deposited to GenBank with accession numbers of DQ403797 for the complete mitochondrial genome and DQ 834444, DQ 834445, DQ 83446,DQ 834447 for haplotypes of the control region. [Journal of Fishery Sciences of China, 2007,14 (4) : 584 - 592 ]
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
Verasper variegatus
mitochondrial genome
control region