
面向对象的虚拟维修性分析中零件信息建模方法研究 被引量:4

Research of modeling based on the thought of object-oriented in virtual maintainability analysis
摘要 采用面向对象建模的方法,在研究维修活动的基础上,利用逆向思维,将维修活动中的维修对象即零部件作为维修活动的主体,借用计算机语言中类的定义方式,将零部件的各种数据定义为类的相应属性值,将零部件在维修活动的被动行为定义为零件类的动作函数,将维修作业中维修动作的人为判断变成基于零件属性的自动判断,并给出了基于这种建模方式的虚拟环境中自动维修仿真作业的实现过程。结果表明,虚拟维修中需要人力判断的工作大大减少,缩短了虚拟维修仿真的时间,从而可以提高系统的仿真效率。 By the object-oriented modeling and , on the basis of the research of the maintenance, the paper turns the accessory which is the object of maintenance into the subject suggested by the reversethought. Like a class in a computer language, the character data is defined as the properties of a class and the passive behaviors in maintenance as the motion functions, and human judgment can be changed into automatic judgment in the maintenance. Finally, the process of automatic maintenance in virtual environment is presented based on this thought of modeling. The results show that the judgment required by manpower is decreased rapidly in virtual maintenance, and the simulation-time is shortened, thereby the simulation efficiency is improved.
出处 《海军工程大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第3期86-89,共4页 Journal of Naval University of Engineering
关键词 虚拟维修 信息建模 逆向思维 面向对象 virtual maintenance information modeling reverse thought object-oriented
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