
中国特色社会主义涵义新探 被引量:3

New Exploration on the Connotation of Socialism With Chinese Characteristics
摘要 中国特色社会主义源于经典作家所设想的经典社会主义以及列宁、斯大林、毛泽东等创立和建设的传统社会主义,但又具有中国的特色.其“特”在基于中国国情,坚持主体社会主义,发展社会主义民主政治;抛弃纯粹社会主义,发展非公有制经济;实现全面小康目标,构建社会主义和谐社会.正确认识中国特色社会主义,有助于丰富和发展中国特色的社会主义理论,提高构建和谐社会的能力。 Socialism with Chinese characteristics originated from the classic socialism that the classic writers conceived and the traditional socialism that Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong founded and built, but has Chinese characteristics meanwhile. Its characteristics, based on China's realities, are to stick to fundamental socialism and develop socialist democracy; to abandon pure socialism and develop non-public sectors of the economy; to realize a welloff society in an all-round way and construct a socialist harmonious society. Correctly understanding socialism with Chinese characteristics will help to enrich and develop the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and to enhance the ability to construct a socialist harmonious society.
作者 徐志达
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期42-46,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中国特色社会主义 经典社会主义 传统社会主义 社会主义和谐社会 socialism with Chinese characteristics classic socialism traditional socialism socialist harmonious society
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