
葛根素注射液对老年不稳定型心绞痛病人血浆内皮素及血液流变学的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Kakkonein Injection on the Influence of Hemorheology and Plasma Endothelin in Senile Patients with Unstable Angina
摘要 目的探讨葛根素注射液对老年不稳定型心绞痛病人血浆内皮素-1(ET-1)及血液流变学的影响。方法将45例老年不稳定型心绞痛病人随机分为两组,常规组(22例)和葛根素组(23例)。葛根素组在常规组治疗基础上加葛根素注射液400mg静脉输注。两组均以14d为1个疗程,观察两组病人治疗前后血液流变学及ET-1指标的变化。结果两组全血黏度、血浆比黏度、红细胞聚集指数、纤维蛋白原治疗前比较无明显差异,疗程结束后治疗组较对照组明显降低(P<0.01)。葛根素组与常规组血浆ET-1治疗前分别为(80.26±16.45)ng/L,(79.79±7.76)ng/L(P>0.05),疗程结束后分别为(62.32±5.93)ng/L与(72.34±6.32)ng/L,两组治疗后比较有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论葛根素注射液对老年不稳定型心绞痛病人血液黏度有明显降低作用,并使血浆ET-1水平显著降低。 Objective To investigate the effect of kakkonein injection on hemorheology and plasma endothelin-1 in senile patients (pts) with pulmonary heart disease, Methods Forty-five senile pts with unstable angina were divided into two groups randomly: Treatment group (n = 23) treated with kakkonein injection and control group (n = 22) with conventional therapy. Indexes of hemorheology and the level of plasma endothelin - 1 were measured pre- and post - treatment. Results No difference was found in the levels of plasma endothelin-1, blood and plasma specific viscosity, hematocrit and fibrinogen between treatment group and control group before the treatment. Compared to control group, the levels of plasma endothelin- 1, blood and plasma specific viscosity, hematocrit and fibrinogen in treatment group decreased significantly after the treatment (P〈 0.01 ). Conclusion Kakkonein injection could decrease blood viscosity and the level of plasma endothelin- 1 in senile pts with unstable angina.
作者 李阳 林宇
出处 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2007年第7期572-573,共2页 Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine on Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease
关键词 不稳定型心绞痛 内皮素 血液流变学 葛根素 unstable angina Endothelin hemorheology Kakkonein
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