
乾隆初政与乾隆帝性格 被引量:10

Initial Governing Strategy of Emperor Qianlong and His Character
摘要 乾隆初政在许多方面改变雍正朝的政策,在某种意义上说是翻前朝的案,执行乾隆帝宽严相济的施政方针。这种改变除了当时的政治环境因素,还在于他谋求美誉,树立个人权威。乾隆初政起到了稳定社会的作用,反映乾隆帝具有高度的政治调适力,也体现出他与康熙帝、雍正帝的不同性格——刚柔相济,执两用中。 Initial governing strategy of Emperor Qianlong, changing a lot of policies of Emperor Vongzheng in many aspects, is reversing the previous Emperor's decisions in a sense, which results form not only the element of political circumstance in that time, but also his pursuing for fine reputation in order to build up his authority. Initial governing strategy of Emperor Qianlong had the function of stabilizing society, which showed political ability of adjusting of Emperor Qianlong, and showed that Emperor Qianlong was the person who couple hardness with softness, not only couple lenity with recreance, different from Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Yongzheng.
作者 冯尔康
出处 《天津师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第3期35-41,共7页 Journal of Tianjin Normal University(Social Science)
关键词 乾隆初政 雍正 乾隆帝性格 宽严相济 执两用中 initial governing strategy of Emperor Qianlong Emperor Yongzheng Emperor Qian- long's Character lenient and severe mutually assisting each other knowing two extremes and take the golden mean
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