目的:分析副鼻窦双螺旋CT(DSCT)扫描的MPR图像质量,找到合适的扫描参数及重建参数,并探讨其临床意义。方法:收集我院Siemens Somatom Emotion Duo CT机扫描的20例病例图像资料,请资深专家评估分析。结果:20例中,15例因参数合适图像质量达到诊断要求,5例因参数选择不合适而不能满足诊断需要。结论:双螺旋CT在副鼻窦扫描时,采用2mm×1.0mm采集层厚、1.0mm重建层厚、卷积核h80s时,可得到较优质的MPR图像,能帮助临床的诊断与治疗。
Objective: To Evaluated clinical sense and the quality on Multiplanar Coronal Reconstruction of Paranasal Sinuses with DSCT, to find appropriate parameter on scan and reconstruction. Methods: Collected MPR imagines of 20 cases, let senior radiologists evaluate and analyse. Results: In 20 cases, MPR imagines of 15 cases acquired the effect of diagnosis in appropriate parameter, but 5 cases didfft acquire the effect of diagnosis in improper parameter. Conclusions: It's possible to acquire high quality MPR imagines with 2mm× 1.0ram scan slice thickness, 1. 0mm reconstructed slice thickness and h80s reconstructed function. It can help clinical practice.
The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice