
用带膜支架治疗食管-气管瘘 被引量:7

Covered Metallic Stent in the Management of Malignant Esophagotracheal Fistulae
摘要 报告6例用带膜支架封闭食管-气管瘘的临床应用结果,旨在对有关技术问题做一探讨。6例均为男性,年龄42~56岁,其中食管疾所致者5例,肺癌所致者1例。所用带膜支架为Cook公司生产,透视引导下导入病变区,6例均获得成功。植入后经导管注入碘水证实瘘口被封闭,术后未再出现食后呛咳。随访时间4~12个月(3例仍在随访中),钡餐复查未见食管-气管瘘复发及支架移位。用带膜支架封闭食管-气管瘘具有创伤性小、操作技术简单及能使患者恢复正常饮食等优点,是一优良的姑息治疗万法。 Implantation of plastic coated stent was applied in 6 cases of malignant esophagotracheal fistulae. They were all male patients with esophageal cancer in o and bronchial carcinoma in one. Age of the patients ranged 42 to 56 years.All the patients received the barbed polyethylene-covered Glanturco stent produced by Cook Company .Implantation was performed under fluoroscopic guidance. All patients had successful stent placement . The fistulae were immediately sealed up and confirmed by injecting non-ionic contrast medium through a catheter. Clinical symptoms of broncho -tracheal aspiration were relieved in all patients. The follow up period was from 4 to 12 months ,and none of the patients has recurrence of the aspiration symptoms .No stent displacement or leakage of contrast medium was noted at follow -up barium meal exanmiantion .It is indicated that plastic coated stent implantation procedure is safe .rapid and effective in palliation of malignant esophagotracheal fistulae.
出处 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期172-175,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
关键词 食管-气管瘘 介入放射学 带膜支架 食管肿瘤 Esophagobronchotracheal fistula Plastic coated stent Malignant fistula Esophagus cancer
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