

Quantitative Study on Mobile Robot Path Planning
摘要 移动机器人工作环境的定量建模是移动机器人路径规划定量分析的基础,采用自由空间法,建立移动机器人工作环境的二维带权网络拓扑模型,模型中的长度矩阵描述工作环境的路径实际长度,宽度矩阵描述工作环境的路径实际宽度。在Dijkstra路径搜索算法中,引入路径宽度与机器人本体大小的比较以及规划后路径宽度的改变来解决移动机器人路径规划的定量问题,同时对Dijkstra搜索算法在效率上进行了改进。该算法的实验仿真表明,提出的路径规划方法是正确和有效的。 Quantified environment model was the basis for quantitative study on path planning of mobile robots. By using free-space method, the two-dimensional weighted network topology was created according to mobile robot environment. The path length of environment was modeled with length matrix and the path width of environment was modeled with width matrix. The quantitative path planning was implemented by comparing the path width with the size of robot body and changing the path width in the Dijkstra algorithm, The efficiency of Dijkstra algorithm was also improved. The simulation showed that the path planning algorithm was correct and valid.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期119-121,共3页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
基金 湖北省教育厅重点科技计划项目(D200618002) 上海市教委计划课题(05RZ14)
关键词 移动机器人 路径规划 定量 DIJKSTRA算法 mobile robot path planning quantifying Dijkstra algorithm
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