本文针对实时视频通信中的网络丢包问题,提出了一种基于Reed Solomon算法的自适应FEC方案。与以往的静态FEC编解码方案不同,该方案引入一种新的基于SIP/RTP的QoS反馈机制,根据丢包率大小在发送端调整FEC冗余度、整体发送速率以及封包大小来保证服务质量;并针对网络突发丢包情况,在对数据包进行FEC编码时采用了交织技术。
This paper depicts an adaptive FEC(Forward Error Correction) solution which is based on the Reed Solomon algorithm to solve the packet loss problem in real-time video communications. The FEC redundancy, media rate and packet size can be adjusted in this solution, which is different from static FEC, according to the QoS (Quality of Service) feedback based on SIP/RTP in order to ensure QoS. The interlace technology is also introduced during the FEC coding to minimize the influence of burst packet loss.
Computer Engineering & Science