
城市再生:协调多元利益的规划改造策略 被引量:2

Urban Regeneration——Planning Strategy for Interest Groups
摘要 在快速城市化进程中,理性终极式的蓝图规划已经不能适应多元化复杂的利益主体对规划的要求。规划需要寻求一种反映多元利益主体诉求,能够达到社会公平和市场效果双重目标的新规划方式。城市再生是一种在公共参与决策基础上,在有限范围内寻求可以解决现实问题的途径和方案。文章探讨了城市再生理念产生的背景、面临的挑战以及相应的规划策略,以期对中国的城市改造规划有所借鉴。 In the process of rapid urbanization, rational and final planning have already not met the needs of pluralistic and complicated interest groups. Therefore it is necessary for planning to search the new ways which can reflect pluralistic subject interest and realize double target of social justice and market outcome. Urban regeneration is the ways and means of solving above-mentioned problems in the finite area on the basis of the public's participation in policy-making. The paper discusses the background of producing urban regeneration concept, the challenge faced with by this concept and corresponding planning strategy, so as to provide reference for urban reconstruction planning.
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 北大核心 2007年第7期38-41,共4页 Natural Resource Economics of China
关键词 城市再生 利益主体 过程规划 多元化 urban regeneration interest groups process planning pluralism
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