
基于OBDD的拆卸几何可行性判别方法研究 被引量:2

Research on method of judging geometric feasibility of disassembly operations based on OBDD
摘要 在基于割集的拆卸序列生成算法中,对拆卸操作的几何可行性进行判别是频繁的操作。引进有序二叉决策图OBDD合理表示拆卸约束,设计了基于OBDD的几何可行性判别算法,比较了基于OBDD的判别算法与基于移动函数的判别算法的时间复杂度,结果表明基于OBDD的几何可行性判别算法比基于移动函数的判别算法具有更高的判别效率。 The geometric feasibility of the disassembly operations is checked frequently in the algorithm based on cutset for the generation of all disassembly sequences for a given product. The disassembly constraints rationally is represented, and an algorithm of judging the geometric feasibility of the disassembly operations with OBDD is designed. Then a comparison on time complexity is made between the provided algorithm and the existing algorithm based on translating function. The result of the comparison demonstrates that the algorithm based on OBDD is more efficient than that on the translating function.
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第14期3302-3305,3309,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60563005)
关键词 拆卸 几何可行性 割集 有序二叉决策图 时间复杂度 disassembly geometric feasibility cutset OBDD time complexity
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